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Tag: lawof100

How to Write a Book in 6 Months

How to Write a Book in 6 Months

I’ve wanted to write a book for… pretty much my whole life.

But I would start an idea and then just give up. One time I even got to 25,000 words and then called it quits. So, after watching several different Masterclasses on writing, I felt inspired to give it another try. However, this time, I came up with a real strategy. I was not going to just wing it. Here are the steps I followed to finally complete a 80, 416 word manuscript.

My Experience Using the Law of 100

My Experience Using the Law of 100

I’ve talked about it before, but I’m definitely someone that’s motivated by keeping a streak alive. So when I first heard about the Law of 100 (also known as the Seinfeld Strategy) on the Mindset Mentor Podcast, I jumped at the challenge.

The big idea is to commit to doing something for 100 days straight. If you miss a day, you have to restart the count back at 1. In February, I committed to writing at least 401 words a day and today, I marked day 100 off my calendar!