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REVIEW: KOS Organic Superfood Plant Protein Powder

REVIEW: KOS Organic Superfood Plant Protein Powder

I have finally found a plant-based protein powder that I like! (Two brands, actually, but that’s another post.)

I’ve talked about my goal of trying to increase my protein intake before, but I’ve had a hard time trying to balance taste, protein content, and cost when it comes to a vegan protein powder. I want it all, but my wallet says no. However, the KOS Organic Superfood Plant Protein Powder comes pretty close!

REVIEW: SuperBeets Sport Powder

REVIEW: SuperBeets Sport Powder

This is going to sound a little weird, but I’ve had an interest in beets for a while.

I’ve heard random claims here and there that beets/beet juice can help with endurance, which as a runner, immediately grabbed my interest. However, besides occasionally adding beets to a salad, I’ve never taken any further action to study the claims or start incorporating beets into my fitness routine. That changed this weekend. (At least sort of. More on that ahead!)

I recently watched the documentary, The Game Changers on Netflix, and was reminded again about the claims surrounding beets and beet juice, so when I spotted a sample package of SuperBeets Sport at the store, it felt like a sign to give it a try.