What I Read: May 2024

What I Read: May 2024

I know it’s not technically summer, but it might as well be. It’s hot. It’s humid. And I find myself craving beach reads and summer camp thrillers.

While I got started on that trend later in the month, this month’s reads actually started rather heavy with fascinating (but disturbing and horrifying!) books on climate change and nuclear war.

This month’s reads included:

  • You Know What You Did by K.T. Nguyen
  • Nuclear War: A Scenario by Annie Jacobsen
  • The Heat Will Kill You First by Jeff Goodell
  • Choosing Theo by Victoria Aveline
  • The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager
  • Never Lie by Freida McFadden

Now for the reviews!

You Know What You Did by K.T. Nguyen

Please check the trigger warnings for this book before going in, because this one could be especially tough for those with OCD.

Annie is a bit of a mess after the death of her mother. She keeps having intrusive memories/thoughts from her childhood amidst a series of strange events in her present day life, including the disappearance of one of her art clients. When she becomes the prime suspect, Annie has a hard time differentiating what’s real and what’s not.

This novel started a bit slow for me, but it’s worth sticking with it!

Rating: 8/10

Nuclear War: A Scenario by Annie Jacobsen

Don’t read this book if you don’t want to think about it every day. (I’m only slightly joking.)

This book is a mix of fact and fiction. The author, Annie Jacobsen, interviewed a ton of military, intelligence, political leaders, and more and then played out a what-if scenario: What if the United States were to come under nuclear attack? What would happen next? Let’s just say, none of it is good.

I’m eager to check out some of Annie Jacobsen’s other books!

Rating: 10/10

The Heat Will Kill You First by Jeff Goodell

Climate change isn’t something that is going to happen some day. It’s happening now. In this book, Jeff Goodell shares stories of climate-related deaths (think hikers, workers) and also looks at certain cities/scenarios (Paris, Antarctica) that could become more dangerous as the heat worsens.

Much like the above book, this can make for a disturbing, stressful read, but it’s also important, thought-provoking information. I do wish there had been more of a focus on solutions.

Rating: 8/10

Choosing Theo by Victoria Aveline

After the last two heavy reads, I needed something lighter. Enter Choosing Theo.

Jade is abducted from her home on Earth, but manages to escape once the ship lands on another planet. While she gets rescued and everyone is nice, she’s told she’s not allowed to return to Earth. Not only must she stay, she is pressured into choosing a husband for a three-month trial period. Jade initially pushes back, but once she learns that women are highly regarded on this planet and that the men attend special schooling to be better husbands, she reluctantly agree to choose someone: Theo.

I don’t read a lot of sci-fi romance, but I thought this was a cute read. (If you enjoy it, there are other books in the series to check out too!)

Rating: 7/10

The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager

With summer on the doorstep, I was getting the itch to read a good thriller set around a summer camp. And this book definitely had the right atmosphere!

The story flashes between the past and the present. 13-year-old Emma is at summer camp for the first time. and ends up assigned to a cabin with three older girls and she becomes obsessed/friends with one of them. But one night, the three girls disappear leaving Emma, and everyone else, with a lot of questions. In the future, Emma is an artist who can’t stop thinking about what happened to the girls. When she is invited back to work at the same camp, she eventually agrees with the goal of uncovering the truth.

While I loved the vibe and the mystery, I did find the ending to be a bit of a let down. I just expected something more from the big reveal.

Rating: 7/10

Never Lie by Freida McFadden

This had a nice twist!

Tricia and her husband, Ethan, decide to tour a home that’s up for sale, but end up trapped there due to a blizzard. It turns out to be the former home of a well-known psychologist/author who went missing. Conveniently, all of her belongings, including recordings of all of her sessions with clients, are still in the house. Tricia starts listening to the tapes and begins connecting the pieces of what happened to the missing woman in her final days.

I listened to this as an audiobook and I really enjoyed how the mystery played out! There were certain things that were a bit repetitive (“I haven’t know my husband that long”… etc. If you read it, you’ll know what I mean), but I can’t wait to check out her other books.

Rating: 8/10

Want more book reviews? Check out what I read in April 2024.

As always, I want to know what you are reading! Leave me a comment below with some of your recent picks.

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