BEAUTY REVIEW: Simple De-Stress Sheet Mask
I’ll be honest. I’m not a huge sheet mask person.
I usually struggle to get them out of the package without any tearing, I can’t get them to fit my face properly, the mask slips constantly, the sheet mask is too dry, the sheet mask is too wet, etc. But I’ve found one that may have finally changed my mind!
As a recent birthday treat, I tried out the Simple ‘Kind to Skin’ De-Stress Sheet Mask made in South Korea. It claims to be ‘the perfect antidote to stressed skin‘ and is infused with aloe and multi-vitamins, but says it contains no harsh chemicals or any artificial perfumes or colors.

My thoughts on the Simple ‘Kind to Skin’ De-Stress Sheet Mask
- So, good news! I was able to easily get the Simple De-Stress Sheet Mask out of the package without any tearing. The mask, itself, is fairly sturdy, except for a small strand under the nose, but above the lips.
- While the sheet mask doesn’t have any artificial perfumes, I did feel there was a light, fresh scent. I’m can be sensitive to smells and this did not trigger any issues for me. I can also have sensitive skin at times and experienced no irritation.
- The Simple De-Stress Sheet Mask is definitely on the moist side of the sheet mask spectrum, but I didn’t have any issues with sliding or dripping while wearing it for the recommended 15 minutes.
- Afterwards, the mask did leave what felt like a layer of moisturizer on my face that the instructions tell you to massage in instead of washing off.
- But it was really how my face looked the following day that sold me on this mask! I was experiencing a bad breakout (I blame maskne—you know, acne from having to wear a face mask all day), but that morning all of my red, inflamed skin had significantly faded!
- The only issue I had with the Simple De-Stress Sheet Mask was the fit. Despite the packaging claiming to contour to the face like a second skin due to soft natural fibers, I struggled to get the sheet mask to fit properly around my nose. That said, it’s not something that would stop me from buying it again.

Final Verdict on the Simple ‘Kind to Skin’ De-Stress Sheet Mask
Would I buy the Simple De-Stress Sheet Mask again? Absolutely yes!
I picked up the sheet mask at the grocery store, but you can also buy them from their website. Simple SkinCare recommends using the mask once or twice a week.
P.S. If you’re into budget beauty, you need to check out my reviews of the LaCura Face Care products sold at Alid. There’s a Part 1 and a Part 2.