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What I read: March 2021

What I read: March 2021

This month started off kind of slow, but ended up being a surprisingly good month of reading!

Here’s the list:
-Eaters of the Dead by Michael Crichton
-On Looking by Alexandra Horowitz
-A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson
-Normal People by Sally Rooney
-Secrets and Lies by Selena
-Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You
by Jason Reynolds; Ibram X Kendi

In this post, I’m sharing which books you NEED to read.. and the one you can probably skip.

What I read: February 2021

What I read: February 2021

February was a weird month for me. I feel like I hit a pandemic wall and struggled to find books that could keep my interest. I had two books I started but didn’t finish, which is highly unusual for me! I usually try to tough it out unless a book is really, really bad.

That said, I did still manage to read five books, including what might be one of my favorite fiction books for the entire year! (Yes, I know it’s only the beginning of March.. but I feel pretty strongly about this.)

Without further ado, let’s get to it.