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Category: Body

REVIEW: Blogilates Sculpt & Debloat Protein Bar with Probiotics

REVIEW: Blogilates Sculpt & Debloat Protein Bar with Probiotics

After my experience with the Blogilates Sculpt & Debloat Sweet Cream Protein Powder with Probiotics, I was a bit hesitant to try out the new line of Blogilates Sculpt & Debloat Protein Bars with Probiotics that recently hit the shelves at Target. But as a fan of Cassey Ho, Blogilates, and Popflex, I decided to give the Sculpt & Debloat brand another try. And as you’ll see, I’m glad I did! (Please note: I’m not a nutritionist, doctor, or any…

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BEAUTY REVIEW: ONA Diamond Facial Cleansing Brush sold by TAO Clean

BEAUTY REVIEW: ONA Diamond Facial Cleansing Brush sold by TAO Clean

You know that feeling when you come home after a long day at the beach and you shower off, but you still feel like you have sunscreen on? Or maybe you try out a new moisturizer and it feels like it’s pasted on to your skin even after using your favorite face wash? That’s where this little device comes in!

The ONA Diamond Facial Cleansing Brush sold by TAO Clean claims that it “cleanses and exfoliates at a deeper level” and leaves you with “a clear, glowing complexion.” 

ROUND-UP: Best Beginner Mat Pilates Videos on YouTube

ROUND-UP: Best Beginner Mat Pilates Videos on YouTube

I’m not saying the moment that I hit publish on a post where I expressed disappointment about a race result, but said at least I’m not hurt, that I got hurt… but the timing was pretty close.

I haven’t been able to run (or jump) in weeks. It’s thankfully not a fracture (according to the doctor’s office), but it’s forced me to take a break and focus on low-impact movements instead, including Pilates.

I wanted to share some of my favorite mat Pilates videos that require no equipment and are good for beginners. (But to be clear- beginner does NOT mean easy!)

PRODUCT REVIEW: Liquid I.V. vs. Nuun

PRODUCT REVIEW: Liquid I.V. vs. Nuun

As a runner in Florida, especially in the summertime, I have a serious need for electrolyte replacement to avoid the whole muscle cramping, headache-y, ears pounding feeling. While I do love an original lemon-lime Gatorade or one of the other traditional sports drinks, there are now so many other electrolyte drink options on the market!

I’ve been making an effort to try out different electrolyte replacement brands, including Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier and Nuun Sport tablets, to see what works best for me. I do like both, but there are some major differences between the two!

BEAUTY REVIEW: Trader Joe’s Rose Water Facial Toner

BEAUTY REVIEW: Trader Joe’s Rose Water Facial Toner

If Trader Joe’s wasn’t always so overwhelmingly crowded and chaotic, I would visit more often as they always seem to have a fun rotation of affordable beauty products on their shelves.

My latest find: Trader Joe’s Rose Water Facial Toner.

Its cutesy light pink and white packaging caught my eye and convinced me to give it a try.

Dealing with Disappointment: Running Edition

Dealing with Disappointment: Running Edition

I’m finally ready to talk about it.

The 15k race that I look forward to all year long- and spent months training for- didn’t go the way I wanted. No PR. No fancy top 10% finisher hat. Just a headache and a participation medal.

While it’s easy to get stuck in the disappointment (and I was for a few days), I’ve come to terms with it all. If you’re a runner who misses a set goal, maybe my thought process will help you!

Product Review: BalanceFrom Foam Plyometric Box

Product Review: BalanceFrom Foam Plyometric Box

After months of having the BalanceFrom 3-in-1 20″ 24″ 30″ Foam Plyometric Box in my mental shopping cart and obsessively reading reviews, I finally added it to my real shopping cart on Amazon and hit purchase.

I bought the plyo box with the goal of doing plyometrics to improve my speed as a runner. (A very brief Google search told me it would.) I was also looking for something that would shake up my usual workout routine, which largely included running or lifting dumbbells haphazardly. I was particularly drawn to the BalanceFrom jumping box as it’s made of a foam material. As a beginner to this, I find the wooden plyo boxes to be a bit intimidating! All I can picture is my shin sliding down the side…

REVIEW: Blogilates Sculpt & Debloat Protein Powder with Probiotics

REVIEW: Blogilates Sculpt & Debloat Protein Powder with Probiotics

As I try to get more serious about my running, I realized I need to get more serious about my recovery too. While this means taking rest days (something I don’t struggle with), I think for me it also means increasing my daily protein intake (something I do struggle with). So, I’ve decided to start the journey of finding a plant-based protein powder I actually enjoy.

As a fan of Cassey Ho, both her YouTube workouts and her Popflex brand, I decided to try out the Blogilates Sculpt and Debloat Protein Powder with Probiotics sold exclusively at Target.

BEAUTY REVIEW: My Journey of Finding a Daily Face Sunscreen

BEAUTY REVIEW: My Journey of Finding a Daily Face Sunscreen

I’m a bit ashamed to say it because I know how important all the skincare and anti-aging experts say it is… but I haven’t been using a daily face sunscreen. Yes, I will absolutely wear sunscreen when I’m going to the beach or pool, but I’ve been skipping out on the daily wear.

But for 2023 and beyond, I want to change that.

To get started on this mission, I consulted my personal skincare guide, my mom, (Thanks Mom!) and started trying out daily face sunscreens.

BEAUTY REVIEW: Aldi’s Lacura Face Care H2O Advance Aqua Gel

BEAUTY REVIEW: Aldi’s Lacura Face Care H2O Advance Aqua Gel

It seems like Aldi has been shaking things up lately.

One of my favorite cleansers, the Lacura Face Care Hydrating Facial Cleanser, has disappeared from the shelves (at least at the store near me) and new products are popping. That includes the Lacura Face Care H2O Advance Aqua Gel with Hyaluronic Acid, which I couldn’t resist giving a try.