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Category: Life

What I’m Into: February 2025

What I’m Into: February 2025

I’m stuck in the February doldrums right now.

I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by what’s going on in the world as well as some personal stuff. Add in a complete lack of motivation and a lingering running injury, and the blah feeling is real.

So, I find myself leaning into self care and relaxation practices and wanted to share some of my recent favorites!

A Year Without Clothing Shopping: My No-Buy Year

A Year Without Clothing Shopping: My No-Buy Year

Given the state of the world lately (*gestures vaguely toward everything*), I’ve been giving thought to how I can make a personal difference without feeling completely overwhelmed.

It’s with this mindset that I recently watched Buy Now: The Shopping Conspiracy on Netflix. While I knew consumerism (especially surrounding the fashion industry) was a big problem, this documentary brought attention to some horrible truths.

What I’m Into: April 2024

What I’m Into: April 2024

I’m taking a big exhale right now.

I wrapped up a busy (and stressful) few months and have a few days before another busy month, so I’m trying to enjoy taking it easy and not feeling the need to be so productive. With this brief moment to reflect and think about what’s to come, I wanted to share some of my latest obsessions. I hope you enjoy them too!

Personal Rambling: Use the Fancy Soap

Personal Rambling: Use the Fancy Soap

Did you get something special for Christmas this year?

Some fancy soap? A special bottle of wine? Cozy socks that you don’t want to wear because they’ll get dirty? An expensive perfume you feel like you can’t wear on a daily basis?

Use it. Daily. For no reason at all. Enjoy it. Don’t wait.

What I’m Into: November 2023

What I’m Into: November 2023

It’s that weird time of year where Halloween is behind us and everyone is in disagreement on whether to focus on Thanksgiving or Christmas. This year, it seems like Christmas is winning. Holiday jingles have already started playing over store speakers and the displays are largely red and green.

With the change in season, I wanted to update my latest obsessions. I love looking back at these posts and being reminded of past joys and interests, and I hope you enjoy them too and maybe find your own inspiration!

REVIEW: Is MasterClass Worth It?

REVIEW: Is MasterClass Worth It?

I’m a bit of a nerd.

I always have to be learning something new, whether that’s taking an actual class, listening to a new podcast, enjoying TED Talks, or reading a good book. Otherwise, I feel stagnant.

So, when MasterClass came to my attention a few years ago, I immediately wanted to try it. Especially, as they are able to get such impressive speakers that are at the top of their various fields. However, I always found the price tag to be a bit of a deterrent (about $120 for an annual membership). With so much free content out there, I had a hard time committing to a subscription.

But when I received a gift membership to MasterClass for Christmas, I dove in!

2023 Fall Bucket List (Fun, Seasonal Activities!)

2023 Fall Bucket List (Fun, Seasonal Activities!)

Yes, it’s August 18th.

Yes, it’s about 100 degrees outside.

Yes, I brought out my fall candles and decorations already.

If my house smells like fall and looks like fall, I can pretend it is fall. At least, until I open the door to go outside.

I don’t know if it’s been the extremely hot summer or what, but I find myself looking forward to fall more than in past years. This morning I went for walk very early and with the wind, it actually felt a little cooler. Not the crisp air of fall, but it had that sort of special feel to it. It got me thinking about all of the fall activities I want to enjoy this year, so I decided it’s time for another fall bucket list!

Reflections On My Trip Through (Parts of) France

Reflections On My Trip Through (Parts of) France

Now, that the jetlag has finally cleared, I’m ready to tackle this post.

I had the most incredible opportunity to travel to France this summer with time in both Lyon and Marseilles. I loved it all- the food, the people, the buildings, the fields, fresh lavender everywhere. All of it. As I had a lot of travel time to think and no phone service (more on that below), I realized this trip, like all good trips, provided me with new perspectives on life. I wanted to write this post, mostly for myself, so I don’t forget as I settle back into the daily grind, but hopefully it gets you thinking too!

What are SMARTER goals? (With Examples!)

What are SMARTER goals? (With Examples!)

I was hesitant to write this post.

I don’t want to say that I was traumatized as that’s probably a bit dramatic, but having to complete SMART goals each year for a previous job did… leave a bad taste in my mouth. Can anyone else relate??

Considering that the SMART framework is an effective way to set achievable goals, it’s obviously very disappointing to feel this way about the process. So, when I heard about SMARTER goals while listening to the audio version of Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt, I wanted to give the whole process another chance.

What I’m Into: June 2023

What I’m Into: June 2023

I don’t know if it’s decompressing from the busy spring or what, but the last month or so, I’ve been completely unmotivated. I know what I should do and even what I want to do, but I can’t seem to make myself take the steps. Is anyone else feeling this way- burnt out despite being less busy?

So, I’ve been trying to take it easy on myself and do more fun and new things until the feeling passes. That’s where this list of my latest obsessions comes in!