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Category: Life

Dealing with Disappointment: Running Edition

Dealing with Disappointment: Running Edition

I’m finally ready to talk about it.

The 15k race that I look forward to all year long- and spent months training for- didn’t go the way I wanted. No PR. No fancy top 10% finisher hat. Just a headache and a participation medal.

While it’s easy to get stuck in the disappointment (and I was for a few days), I’ve come to terms with it all. If you’re a runner who misses a set goal, maybe my thought process will help you!

Musings from Online Shopping: Am I Walking My Talk?

Musings from Online Shopping: Am I Walking My Talk?

I consider myself to be someone that cares about the environment. I recycle. I bring my own reusable bags to the grocery store. You get the idea. But I had a moment recently that really made me stop and think about my convictions. I was ordering a pair of new running shoes online and when I got to the shipping section, I was presented with a choice. Did I want to go with express shipping and have my shoes arrive…

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What I’m Into: December 2022

What I’m Into: December 2022

Happy winter!

Unfortunately, It seems like the new season is really going to make its arrival known over the coming days with what the news keeps calling a ‘bomb cyclone’ storm. So please stay safe and stay warm!

I’ll admit I’ve been in a bit of a rut lately when it comes to posting. I don’t know if it’s a lack of ideas, the busyness surrounding this time of year, or what. But either way, I hope I come out of it soon.

Today, I wanted to return with a classic post I haven’t done in a while- a listing of my recent obsessions.

My 4 Favorite MasterClass Courses (So Far!)

My 4 Favorite MasterClass Courses (So Far!)

I think learning is my hobby. Books, podcasts, documentaries… you name it, I’m interested. So as someone that spent a long time researching MasterClass and trying to decide if it was worth the cost, I wanted to share a quick list of some of my favorite courses I’ve taken after making the plunge. (You may notice there’s a bit of a theme surrounding writing though I am currently trying to expand out to other topics and have some exciting ones on my to watch list!)

Feeling Guilty About A Splurge?

Feeling Guilty About A Splurge?

Whether it was Prime Day shopping or just a random shopping spree at Ulta Beauty (#truestory), it’s easy to feel guilty about spending money. Your brain starts asking all sorts of questions: Do I really need this? Should I get this now or wait? What if it goes on a bigger sale later? Or maybe that’s just how my brain operates.

While I can’t tell you how to spend your money or what works for your budget, there was a quote I saw recently that I’ve been unable to get out of my head when it comes to splurges. Maybe, it will help guide some of your decisions too.

My Experience Using the Law of 100

My Experience Using the Law of 100

I’ve talked about it before, but I’m definitely someone that’s motivated by keeping a streak alive. So when I first heard about the Law of 100 (also known as the Seinfeld Strategy) on the Mindset Mentor Podcast, I jumped at the challenge.

The big idea is to commit to doing something for 100 days straight. If you miss a day, you have to restart the count back at 1. In February, I committed to writing at least 401 words a day and today, I marked day 100 off my calendar!

Spring 2022: 5 Podcasts I’m Listening To

Spring 2022: 5 Podcasts I’m Listening To

Running has a way of making me hate my favorite songs.

I’ve talked about it before, but I’m the kind of person that listens to audiobooks or podcasts while running rather than listening to music. So, I’m always on the lookout for new podcasts. I shared what I was listening to back in the summer of 2020 (yikes, what a time…) but decided it was time for an update.

In this blog post, I’m sharing five of my current favorite podcasts!

What I’m Into: March 2022

What I’m Into: March 2022

Happy spring!

I hope the new season is treating you well. I’ll admit, I’m still struggling with the whole time change, though I do love how late the sun is up! It makes me crave all things summer: lounging by the pool, enjoying a glass of Frosé, and fun beach reads!

With all the changes lately, I wanted to share a new list of my recent obsessions.

New to Visualization & Manifesting? Me too

New to Visualization & Manifesting? Me too

I’m a bit late to the party on this one, but I’ve been recently exploring the power of visualization, manifesting, and the law of attraction. Before you roll your eyes and close the tab, stick with me a minute.

I’ve long had my doubts that visualizing something you want could help actually bring it into existence, but a recent two-part podcast series made me reconsider my assumptions. Or at least give it a try.

The Best Books to Help You Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolutions

The Best Books to Help You Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolutions

It feels like we just celebrated the new year, but somehow, we’re already nearing the end of January?! It’s bizarre, because I remember last January feeling like it stretched on forever. Time is weird.

While the end of January typically marks the end of people’s new year’s resolutions (some of mine included), I’m hoping a fresh surge of inspiration will help keep the momentum alive. For me, that usually involves sitting down with a book related to the goal I’m trying to accomplish. Whether your goal is related to fitness or creativity, I hope these books will help you as much as they’ve helped me!